IRS to allow faxing of automatic method change requests By Sally P. Schreiber, J.D. July 30, 2020 RELATED July 17, 2020 Fed expands Main Street Lending Program to more not-for-profits June 30, 2020 IRS will not postpone July 15 deadline June 11, 2020 Leave-based donation program available during pandemic TOPICS COVID-19 Tax Tax Accounting (Methods & Periods) IRS Practice and Procedure In response to the coronavirus pandemic, beginning July 31, the IRS is allowing taxpayers that file Form 3115, Application for Change in Accounting Method , to fax the duplicate copy of the request, instead of mailing a paper copy. Usually the duplicate copy is mailed the Ogden, Utah, IRS office, but now taxpayers can fax it to 844-249-8134. Taxpayers should still file the original copy with their tax return. The new procedure does not apply to nonautomatic accounting method changes, which are governed by separate procedures during the pandemic under Rev. Proc. 2020-29. The IRS explained i...